"The absolute BEST READ I've had in quite sometime."
"Beautiful Writing"
"Depth of Character"
"A Story I Could Not Put Down"
"A Delightful Read"
"Never Stale or Predictable"
"A Sly Sense of Humor"
"It made me laugh, cry and made me feel I was there."
"My favorite book this year."
"Every character is so well drawn they are painted in a
technicolor of words."
“Loved this book. Wanted a feel good book while on vacation and this book delivered.”
Terry Kerr, Author: Wonderful! A gem of a book!
R. Belloli: Just finished reading this. Not many books have made me cry but this
one did. The characters were so well done. I loved the part where Phena gets the Christmas present from Grammy. I’m certainly no literary critic but while reading this it reminded me of the
writing of John Steinbeck in Cannery Row. Thank you for this wonderful book.
M. Lambert: I just read this book and loved the story - family, live,
S.K. Seebert: Finished today... great story.
J. Rutledge: I just finished! Wonderful.
M. Ciardiello: Just started it. I’m hooked. I can’t put it down I’m in love with Des & Phena
Seefeldt: Great book.
S. Bennett: Loved this book.
Long: Great story!
Stone: I read and enjoyed this
Gannon: Wonderful book, I’m reading it now. Hard to pull myself away to do any
of my housework.
M. Ryan Fantastic story! Wonderful characters and a great plot. Loved this
P. Potter Just finished it. Very
good book.
B. Rislove Loved this book....
E. Lazar Loved this book. I’d read quickly, then slowed down so the book wouldn’t in. The characters became
my friends. Will there be a sequel.
J. Mitchell Good book!
Bob Bush of the United
Kingdom: I have just finished "Hat" and am putting my thoughts in order to write you of it. I am amazed at how engrossed in
it I was. And right now, I want a glass of ice tea and a cucumber sandwich!
Of course, I have always been a sucker for coming of age novels (and movies) -
"Catcher in the Rye", "Member of the Wedding," even "East of Eden", and how could I forget "To Kill a Mockingbird?" Thanks for writing this.